After a long hiatus I am so happy to finally share with you the second half of Halliburton’s Book of Marvels video companion. You can see all of the companion videos for Book of Marvels book one here.
Whether you follow Ambleside Online or not, can I encourage you to read this remarkable book for yourself?! Richard Halliburton’s Book of Marvels has been such a joy for our family to have read together, both marveling at the wonders he has seen and his dynamic personality. It has also opened up such lively conversations, as there are definitely things we disagree with him on and his stories open up the conversations in such a lovely way.
While this book was for ages out of print, it is now available again thanks to Living Book Press. You can find The Orient here or The Occident (part 1) here.
While all of these videos have been monitored for appropriate content, I encourage you to use your own discernment about letting your own children watch them online.
Chapter 31 – Ephesus, City of Ancient Temples
This video is pretty long (11 min) and not professionally done, but he does give a lot of interesting tidbits and shows a lot of interesting ruins throughout it.
Chapter 32 – Halicarnassus
Chapter 33 – Colossus, Statue of Helios
Chapter 34 – Pharos, Towering Lighthouse
Chapter 35 – Pyramids, Huge Man-Made Wonders
Chapter 36 – Knossos, Buried Cretan City
Chapter 37 – Timbuctoo, Desert City
Chapter 38 – Victoria Falls, Sounding Smoke
Chapter 39 – Mecca, Sacred Moslem City
Chapter 40 – Petra, Enchanted City
Chapter 41 – Dead Sea
Chapter 42 – Jerusalem, Rock of Abraham
Chapter 43 – Baalbek, City of Marvelous Ruins
Chapter 44 – Palmyra, Zenobia’s Domain
also, check this news story of Palmyra today – Chapter 45 – Bagdad, Fabled Arabian City
Chapter 46 – Babylon, City of the Hanging Gardens
Chapter 47 – Isfahan, Home of the Nightingales
Chapter 48 – Udaipur, Indian Fairyland
Chapter 49 – Taj Mahal
Chapter 50 – Mount Everest
How Much Does it Cost to Climb Mt. Everest 2019 Edition – While this may not be of interest to all kids (it is REALLY LONG!) this is a super thorough and fascinating look at what it costs to climb Mt Everest.
This video is a super fun look at a vlogger attempting (three times!) to fly over Mt. Everest. I recommend looking for additional footage of the mountain, but this gives a great glimpse of all the delays that can keep you from seeing Mt. Everest, as well as a little glimpse at it.
Chapter 51 – Lhasa, City of Mystery
A look at modern day Lhasa – so different from the description in the book!
Chapter 52 – Madura, Holy Hindu City
This is a couple’s travel video of their brief layover at the temple and the sound quality isn’t terrific, but of the few we watched we felt this one best showed the elaborate statues! Plus you can see (what we think is!) a bat inside.
Chapter 53 – Angkor, Walled City
Chapter 54 – Great Wall, Stone Serpent
please note! The following video below has been set to start at the 3 minute mark and I recommend stopping it at the 6 minute mark (when he starts sliding down – he starts using language as he goes down, and I haven’t watched beyond that.) This 3 minute portion of his video gives an incredible view of the Great Wall.
If you’re a child and your parent has set you up to watch these on your own, please take this notice to your parents prior to watching and ask them what they’d like you to do.
The second video is an illustrated video of the history of the Great Wall.
Chapter 55 – Fujiyama, Magic Mountain

Lucy Anneliese Hamilton
This is super cool!
Lucy Anneliese Hamilton
I really like the dead sea chapter
It’s been years since my boys have read it, and it still remains one of my favorite books!
Lucy Anneliese Hamilton
I also read the first one, and I wish I had used the video footage, because I really like that one.
Lucy Anneliese Hamilton
Why are so many of the videos unavailable?
Lucy Anneliese Hamilton
This is a pretty cool web site!