Last month we said goodbye to the age of six in this house – and I began the curation of our favorite books enjoyed through our combined two years with that fun loving age.
Really, when it comes to picking favorite books it is SO hard to do. You will find book lists all over this blog because I just love a good list – but I always feel bad cutting a list short!
Neither of my boys enjoyed reading while they were six, so all of these were read out loud by me to them.
Dangerous Journey is a brilliant retelling of the popular story Pilgrim’s Progress. It maintains the integrity and rich language of the original, and yet brings it down to a child’s level and understanding. The images are fantastic, and are on every page.
Peppe the Lamplighter is a beautiful, heart tugging story about an immigrant family in Little Italy, NYC and their new life in America. The illustrations are beautiful and the story is inspiring and reveals a lot about the struggles of poor, hard working immigrants.
The Three Sneezes was a much loved book with both boys. It is a collection of fairy tale type stories, set in Switzerland. We really enjoy stories that share about other cultures, and this particular book was a huge hit with the boys.
Beachcomber Boy is written by one of our favorite children authors – I have shared some other favorites by Eleanor Frances Lattimore. Beachcomber is the story of Barry, a boy who lives near the ocean and enjoys collecting things that wash up on shore. It is a simple and yet imaginative and sweet story of friendship, with a little mystery intertwined.
Rasmus and the Vagabond was probably my very favorite book to read aloud. Written by the same author that wrote Pippi Longstocking, Astrid Lindren masterly creates a male counterpart to Pippi. Rasmus winds up in hilarious predicaments in his quest to find a family. My 6 year old laughed so hard through this book, as did I – both from the story and from watching my son’s reaction to the story.
The Whipping Boy is a story that has stayed with the boys long after the final page was read. The concept of a whipping boy – a boy who gets punished for the crimes of the prince – was introduced to us through this story – but it has become a part of the boys play. This short and fun story recounts the position of a spoiled prince and his whipping boy – and then their wild adventures when the prince decides they are both going to run away and they end up kidnapped and exchanging roles!
Darling – Mercy Dog of WWI was lent to us by a friend whose son had read it in 5th grade. She thought it was a story that we would enjoy, and she was right! The boys were captivated by the story of Darling and I was intrigued about the role of dogs in war.
Mother West Wind’s Children – and indeed, any of Burgess’ books – are delightful animal stories that entertain, educate, and contain a deeper truth about character and choices.
Milly Molly Mandy is a precious collection of stories about the adventures of a little girl called Milly Molly Mandy. The wholesome tales captured my boys, and I loved the excellent character that was modeled throughout.
Best Stories for 6 Year Olds was a HUGE hit with the six year old in this house because of the mere title of the book. There is something about a book JUST for you that makes it extra special. Enid Blyton is a fun story teller and this collection of silly stories was a hit with the boys.
This is Maggie Muggins is a delightful, silly, imaginative collection of short stories that left the boys begging for “just one more!” when we read through this book.
Now We are Six, a timeless treasure from the beloved A A Milne is a collection of whimsical poems, perfectly suited for a six year old but not to be limited to such an age.