I love looking at other peoples homeschool rooms – seeing how people utilize the space available to them for their homeschool purposes is inspiring.
I am thankful that our home is large enough to allow us to dedicate one room just for homeschool purposes – we still move around the house for variety and a change of scenery, but the bulk of our schooling morning is spent in this cheery room.
This room was originally Paul’s study/office and he mounted this massive homemade whiteboard to the wall – all the way to the ceiling, which worked great for his tall stature, but not so much for us.
I have left the whiteboard at its awkward height though as everything else fits so well around it – our timeline fits neatly underneath it, letter formation charts under that, and then their desks.
And, as you will see, there is lots of unfinished mess in this room. Walls needing paint and blank spaces waiting for art. I am bidding my time – which is unusual for me.We have three desks in the room – each boy has their own and then the main computer desk, which doubles as my space. The desks and chairs are yard sale finds. The stand between their desks holds their pencils, sharpener, papers for writing, candy treat they get while doing copywork, and a dvd player.
It has worked really well for each boy to have their own desk that does not face each other – there is no looking or breathing in one another’s space. haha.
I have a large world map on the wall that I love – we have colored dots on it to track people we know around the world. It’s basically the only geography my kids have had so far. They enjoy looking at it and seeing where places are – same with the timeline we have on the wall. They really enjoy looking over it and finding events we have read about on it.
This side of the room holds the printer, paper resources, computer, and a favorite falling apart chair.
I printed the image below at Staples as an engineer print and framed it in a frame I had.
The quote says “Knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind.” – PlatoKeeping all my paper needs organized in magazine organizers by the printer has been the handiest thing! The magazine style holders are the cheap ones from Ikea and have held up well being used in this manner for the last couple years.
This is the other side of the room from the desk/window wall. On the door are a couple of the massive Post Its – our nouns, pronouns and verbs are written on them.
The white cupboard holds an array of odds and ends that we don’t use but I feel like we might make use of soon.
I love having a large rug in the room – while we do have some cozy chairs I prefer sitting or laying across the floor when I read to them, and they enjoy sprawling out and coloring when listening to an audio book.
The closet doors have been removed and an overstuffed arm chair placed in for a cozy little reading nook. With a light in the closet it is the perfect reading place and all four of us enjoy it.
The old WWII trunk came from an estate sale. It is holding out of season clothes and clothes that the boys have yet to grow into. Cigar boxes are extremely cheap to purchase and are great little boxes for holding odds and ends – I have oodles around our house. The one on the trunk holds little animals. Some greenery and a verse finish off the trunk adornments.
Our Ikea shelves have been one of the most useful tools – I have sectioned each cubby into a subject or theme and I can find things easily.
We have been given an incredible assortment of books from homeschool families that are further along in their journey – I am so thankful for the resources they have shared, but it would be far too confusing to keep them all in our primary homeschool room.
I have shelves designated in another room to hold our excess of books and I “shop” those books to fill these shelves with the books I want us reading/looking at.
For example, we are studying the middle ages right now, so the history books on these shelves more or less cover that time period – books on the ancients and modern time period are on another book shelf.
Same with science – we are studying the earth right now, so our science related books are on that subject. Everything else is on other shelves.
We found an incredible deal on paper at Staples once upon a time and I think we are set for life. It resides on the top of the shelves, along with books I need to relocate, globes, and a big bin that holds current projects/handiwork.
We have since moved from this home and are in the process of creating our new homeschool space. I found this post in my draft folder – I forgot to post it back when I wrote it in the fall of 2014! I thought I would share how our homeschool room once was! I have been looking at homeschool rooms for inspiration for our new home and thought I would share some of my favorites – they’re here on this pinterest board.